Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Color Purple

 The Color Purple by Alice Walker is a book about a young girl named Celie whose character undergoes a huge transformation in attitude from a passive and quite girl to a strong and courageously confident woman.

Alice Walker’s The Color Purple presents the life-long struggle of Celie, a black Georgia woman, who yearns to obtain confidence and self-esteem. The Color Purple is a wonderful novel about hardships and learning to overcome them. The protagonist, Celie, changes immensely in her personality throughout the course of the novel because she must overcome adversity to become independent and fulfilled. Celie also changes because of certain people in her life.

Based on the novel, the characteristic, Celie is related to me because her attitude from a quiet girl to a strong and confident woman. I become like this when I started live in campus. As living in campus, there are a lot of things that I must do by myself. I must be independent to compete with the others.


  1. Quite or quiet my dear...??

    "when I started live in campus." - living in campus...

    cool :)

    thanks marlina

  2. oh yeah, the abv comment is by me, Miss Just. I used to be a pampered brat but living in college helped me become more independent..:)
